Bury the Lead
Cassondra Windwalker’s Bury the Lead takes the perspective of a small-town newspaper editor crumbling in the weeks after his girlfriend has left him. The backdrop to the piece is the post-truth era, where our media are dominated by malignant liars with inscrutable motives.
This work definitely qualifies as literary, both in form and function. Be ready for beautiful writing encapsulating the sicknesses of our times. Plot doesn’t figure heavily but, like most great literary works, story does, and much of the story here resides inside the narrator.
If you like unreliable narrator stories, this one is for you. Windwalker deconstructs what it even means to be an unreliable narrator in a country that has given up any pretense at all of caring about truth. How can you even lie when words have lost all meaning?
Well-constructed, earnest and honestly dishonest, this is a novel for our times.
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